Who We Are and What We Do
Our Work
Since achieving charitable status in 2017, Dementia Matters in Powys has been working hard to promote our cause and we have been focused on the development and running of accessible and inclusive Meeting Centres. We believe that Meeting Centres act as a safe environment where people living with dementia and their family members can nurture friendships, receive peer support and be included.
DMiP has an exciting and challenging agenda which addresses the growing incidence of dementia in our communities and seeks to provide an imaginative response, offering local solutions to local issues, whilst mainstreaming the best that is available and focusing on continuous improvement in all that we do.
While there is always more that can be done to help those in need in our community, there’s no doubt that we are making a significant impact. See how you can become part of the difference.

Our Vision and Mission
Join the Cause
Our board of directors are community volunteers, dedicated to the mission of creating immediate and lasting change in the lives of those in need. Our work is aimed at making Powys a place where people can live well with dementia. Join us by learning more about our mission and supporting our cause.
Our Philosophy
What We Stand For
Dementia Matters in Powys is a charitable incorporated organisation. Since our beginnings, Dementia Matters in Powys has always maintained a philanthropic set of beliefs and values. Among these are a commitment, transparency, and innovative approach to improving the lives of people living with dementia. Want to get involved? Contact us to see how you can help.

“Dementia Voices. In It Together”

In It Together - Dementia Voices in Mid and North Wales

Our Constitution
In Summary:
Charity Name: Dementia Matters in Powys. Charity Number: 1172335
Date of constitution (last amended): July, 2017
Voting Members: Charity Trustees only. The principal office of the CIO is in Wales.
Objects: The promotion of good health and relief of need amongst people living with dementia or associated conditions, and their relatives and carers in Powys
Powers: The CIO has power to do anything which is calculated to further its object[s] or is conducive or incidental to doing so.
The full Constitution (DMiP CIO Constitution) covers the following areas:
Application of income and property
Benefits and payments to charity trustees and connected persons
General provisions
Payment for supply of goods only - controls
Conflicts of interest and conflicts of loyalty
Liability of members to contribute to the assets of the CIO if it is wound up
Functions and duties of charity trustees
Eligibility for trusteeship
Number of charity trustees
Information for new charity trustees
Retirement and removal of charity trustees:
Taking of decisions by charity trustees
Delegation by charity trustees
Meetings of charity trustees
Participation in meetings by electronic means
Membership of the CIO
Informal or associate (non-voting) membership
Decisions which must be made by the members of the CIO
General meetings of members
Calling of general meetings of members
Procedure at general meetings of members
Saving provisions
Execution of documents
Use of electronic communications
Keeping of Registers
Accounting records, accounts, annual reports and returns, register maintenance
Amendment of constitution
Voluntary winding up or dissolution