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Dementia Matters to Us - Does it Matter to You?

Dementia Matters in Powys (DMiP), which operates Dementia Meeting Centres across the county, could face closure by the end of the year if significant investment is not secured, the independent charitable organisation has warned.

DMiP have today announced they "very much regret" that following disappointing news regarding funding they have had to make the difficult decision to issue a 3-month notice to all staff and without additional funding will be forced to close at the end of December 2023.

DMiP's Chief Officer, Deborah Gerrard said, "Funding for a long-term project, as the highly regarded Powys Meeting Centres are, is difficult to secure as the majority of funders are seeking to support new projects and initiatives. Powys County Council and Powys teaching Health Board have so far ignored our pleas for financial support."

The DMiP operated Powys Meeting Centres are the only ones in Wales, yet the statutory sector in Powys has failed to recognise their importance and the difference that they make to people living with dementia and their carers. This not only has impacts in Powys but is affecting development of Meeting Centres across Wales too.

DMiP has funding in place to continue staffing all Meeting Centres at the current operational levels until March 2025 and to run Summer Games 2024 but does not have sufficient levels of core funding, without which they cannot continue to operate.

Deborah Gerrard added "We have funding bids in place which, if successful, will contribute to the shortfall that we are currently dealing with and we continue to seek support from the statutory sector.

We want to reassure all those who benefit from DMiP services that we are doing everything that we can to overcome this difficult situation and are focusing on maintaining the current Meeting Centres."

The public can help in keeping the Dementia Matters in Powys Meeting Centres running amid the funding crisis. If you would like to help please consider making a donation via the Just Giving page, the Facebook page or write to your local county councillor to support statutory funding for Dementia Matters in Powys Meeting Centres.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Chief Officer, Deborah Gerrard on 01597821166 (answer phone), 07947 647790 or if you have any queries.

Seated dance session at DMiP Meeting Centre
Dementia Matters in Powys Funding Help

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