DMiP Summer Games 2023, again made possible with a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund Wales - brought people together from the 4 Powys Meeting Centres and those who support the work of DMiP for a day of light hearted 'sports', socialisation and fun! Funding has been secured for Summer Games 2024 with the date of 8th AUGUST 2024 already set - see you there?

Gemau Haf Materion Dementia ym Mhowys 2023, a wnaed yn bosibl unwaith eto gyda grant gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol Cymru - gan ddod â phobl ynghyd o 4 Canolfan Gyfarfod Powys a'r rhai sy'n cefnogi gwaith Materion Dementia ym Mhowys am ddiwrnod o 'chwaraeon' ysgafn, cymdeithasu a hwyl! Mae cyllid wedi'i sicrhau ar gyfer Gemau Haf 2024 gyda'r dyddiad o 8fed Awst eisoes wedi'i osod - welwn ni chi yno?